In late 2019 Flex Animation was engaged to work on a very unique and inspiring project. Professor Peter Scott-Morgan, a distinguished robotics scientist who was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in 2016, wanted to realise a fully expressive digital avatar of himself. His pioneering work was documented in the Channel 4 documentary Peter: the Human Cyborg and forms a complete transformation from organ interfaces to mechanical assistance in standing.
Flex Animation's work involved translating the FACS scan output provided by Optimize 3D and Adam Spring to a highend rig for manipulation and extraction by game developers and programmers. The end result was a derivative real time display of Peter's likeness delivering dialogue.
Flex Animation is very proud to have been a part of this incredible project and would like to extend a huge thank you to Channel 4 and the Scott-Morgan Foundation for working with us.
The full documentary can be viewed on Channel 4 here.